LIGHT: Prefers lighting positions but away from direct sunlight, especially during the hottest hours of the day. In summer, it can be moved outdoors in the shade and brought back inside at the first cold weather because does not tolerate temperatures below 10 °C.
WATERThese plants should be watered regularly by wetting the soil thoroughly, but waiting for the substrate to dry completely between waterings. Avoid water stagnation. Spray often the leaves to make the atmosphere more humid or place the pot on top of a saucer with expanded clay kept constantly moist.
SOIL: Prefers soils peaty and well draineda soft soil that allows the roots to develop without difficulty. To create an optimal mixture, use peat, sand, with a proportion of aggregates such as lapilli or expanded clay.
CARE: Being of tropical origin suffers from cold currents and sudden changes in temperature, avoid placing it in front of a window, especially if this is opened frequently. If you want to make her happy, give her a nice shower every now and then, this way you will wash her hair of dust deposits.
STYLE: Its broad and elegant tuft is perfect in home pots but also and especially in hanging baskets.
CURIOSITY: The long leaves have the characteristic of being born rolled in on themselves to open up with growth. Watching the way they unfold is something incredibly beautiful
SUPERPOWERThis fern is among the plants identified by NASA as being among the best at increasing the humidity of indoor air, absorb odours and remove pollutants from homes such as formaldehyde.
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